JCR Executives and Officers
President: Lizzie Heywood
Email: jcr-president@sjc.ox.ac.uk
“Hi, I’m Lizzie, I’m a 2nd year Londoner studying Philosophy and Theology, and the JCR President for 2024! My role is multi-faceted, so I’ll be spending my time both as the JCR advocate to the wider college community on matters that I think students care about, and as a facilitator to my brilliant committee members by making sure that the things that they want to do are possible. That means there are few things I can’t help with in some way, and I normally have a pretty good grasp of who to direct you towards if I don’t have the answer. I’m really excited for 2024 and please don’t hesitate to contact me at jcr-president@sjc.ox.ac.uk if you have any questions, problems or suggestions.“
Vice President: Brad Croucher
Email: jcr-vice-president@sjc.ox.ac.uk
“Hey – I’m Brad, studying Experimental Psychology & this year’s JCR Vice President. The two biggest jobs I will undertake are the room/housing ballot and organising freshers’ week; if you have any questions/concerns/suggestions for either of these, please get in touch and I will get back to you as soon as I can. As for literally any other college-related issue, I’m basically a slightly less-important version of Lizzie so feel free to contact me, and I’ll do my best to help you out or direct you towards whoever can!“
Secretary: Bulcsú Diossi
Email: jcr-secretary@sjc.ox.ac.uk
“Hi! I’m Bulcsú, a second year PPEist here at St John’s. I’m very excited to be your JCR Secretary this year. I’ll be organising JCR Meetings, updating the constitution and ensuring the smooth operation of the JCR. If you have any questions about how to write a motion for a JCR Meeting or what the constitution says about any specific issues, then I’m your man. I’ll also be working alongside Lizzie and Brad to push for any changes that would improve your student experience here at St John’s.“
Treasurer: Yusuke Atsuta
Email: jcr-treasurer@sjc.ox.ac.uk
“Hi I’m Yusuke, a second-year doing maths and computer science. As Treasurer, I’ll be making sure JCR finances run smoothly, so feel free to get in touch if you have anything you want the JCR to fund or any questions about JCR £££. You’re also welcome to reach out about college-related finances like battels and grants. Just drop me an email!“
Academic Affairs Officer: Chris Liu
Email: jcr-acaffairs@sjc.ox.ac.uk
–Arts Officer: Freya Thomas
Email: jcr-artrep@sjc.ox.ac.uk
Access & Admissions Officer: Laurence Raran
Email: jcr-access@sjc.ox.ac.uk
Domestic Officers: Alice Simmerson and Lara Young
Email: jcr-domsec@sjc.ox.ac.uk
“Hi, we’re Alice (PPE) and Lara (Geography), your Domestic Officers for 2024! We’re really looking forward to working in this role, alongside excellent members of staff, to organise guest dinners, halfway hall, and run the airbed loan scheme. We want to make the dinners as enjoyable for everyone as possible so we’re always open to any new suggestions and feedback that you have via email, Facebook or Instagram. We can’t wait to see you at an event soon!”External Affairs Officer: Ali Cilleruelo Pascual
Email: jcr-extaffairs@sjc.ox.ac.uk
–Entz Officers: Oliver Eastham and Ruby Breakwell
Email: jcr-entz@sjc.ox.ac.uk
“Hello, we are Oliver (English) and Ruby (History & German), your Entertainments Officers for the 2024 JCR. We are very excited to be planning lots of bops and events for you this year!“Environment and Ethics Officer: Laurence Cooke
Email: jcr-env-ethics@sjc.ox.ac.uk
“Hi, I’m Laurence, a first-year Philosophy and French student at John’s and I am delighted to be your Environment and Ethics Officer. My job is to ensure that here in college we uphold the highest environmental and ethical standards, from catering through to sustainability and emissions policy. I am also responsible for the JCR’s engagement with, and support for, charities chosen by undergraduates. Feel free to email me with any questions, queries, or suggestions!“
Equality and Diversity Officer: Trisha Purnaiya
Email: jcr-equality@sjc.ox.ac.uk
“My name is Trisha, and I’m the resident Bangalorean on committee. This year, I’m keen to put together several events alongside our brilliant E&D reps, and keep an open forum for anyone to talk about issues they are facing. Feel free to message me at any time for any sort of assistance, or just for a chat!”
IT Officer: Zohaib Bhatti
Email: jcr-it@sjc.ox.ac.uk
“Hiiiii everyone, I’m Zohaib, a first year Maths and Computing student here at Johns and I’m your IT Officer for the next year. My job is to loan out our IT equipment when yours breaks so you don’t miss deadlines, as well as to update and maintain this website. I may be stupid, but if you need a laptop, cables, or just have an IT related query/suggestion, feel free to email me! 🐸🐸🐸🐸”Sports Officer: (Currently Vacant)
Email: jcr-sports@sjc.ox.ac.uk
Welfare Officers: Benjamin Bull, Zoe Gordon and Ellie Wilson
Email: jcr-welfare@sjc.ox.ac.uk
Women’s Officer: Harshitha Shankar
Email: jcr-women@sjc.ox.ac.uk
“Hey, I’m Harshitha, a second-year Human Sciences student and your Women’s* Officer! Beyond running fun events, my main role is to make sure St. John’s is a safe and welcoming space for all women* and non-binary people within college. So, feel free to message me about anything and about any ideas you might regarding my role!“
Returning Officer: Jan Hubel
Email: jcr-returning@sjc.ox.ac.uk
Hi, I’m Jan (he/him), a second-year History and Economics student and the Returning Officer (commonly called the RO) of our JCR.
As RO, I ensure that all JCR Officers are elected in free and fair elections. To this end, I inform JCR members about upcoming elections, procedures and rules, and organise hustings.
I am independent of the JCR Committee, and therefore a point of contact for any complaints regarding the conduct of Officers or functioning of the JCR.
Please let me know if you have any questions about the JCR constitution or election process. You can reach me via email, or in college anytime!