Air Bed Loan Scheme HT25

About the scheme:

  • The air bed loan scheme is run by the JCR Domestic Secretaries. Contact if you have any queries.


  • Airbeds are bookable for a maximum of 2 days at a time.
  • Please try to only book one bed at a time.
  • Each airbed is now located in its own numbered bag with its own pump, please make sure to take the airbed you have reserved and do not separate bed and/or pump from bag.
  • We have removed 3 faulty beds and bought 3 new ones, as well as 3 new pumps, so there are now 3 doubles and 3 singles.
  • There is also now a box of faulty beds. Non-bookable and free to take for 1 night at a time, these beds can be used when all others are booked up. All will inflate fully but will likely deflate significantly with time.
  • Please let us know if the airbed breaks or gets damaged so we can replace asap, including its number.