IT Equipment Loan Scheme
About the scheme:
This scheme is run by the IT Officer
There are A4 USB scanners in the JCR available for anyone to use – please do not remove them from the JCR. There is also a spare scanner in the JCR Office.
We also have equipment like laptops, peripherals, and adapters that can be loaned. The scheme is designed to assist students who may temporarily have lost access to their laptop or need to use other equipment in the short term (i.e a few weeks at most). The JCR equipment loan scheme is not intended to be a long term solution.
Non vital equipment (anything that isn’t a laptop) can be loaned more freely. We have the equipment, you can use it!
You can claim an Academic Grant toward the purchase of a new laptop or other computer equipment. Additionally, the College Hardship Grant may be available to you if you can not afford to buy a computer but need one – follow the instructions on the College website, or speak with the Senior Dean for more details.
A full list of available equipment can be viewed here!
(Note: If you need something that’s NOT on here, email me. We might have one lying around and I can buy new stuff!)
When borrowing JCR IT equipment, you will be bound by the Equipment Loan Agreement – please read it before you borrow!